World-Class Professional Development

We envision a world changed - even transformed - by millions of young influencers who solve problems and serve people in their communities.

  • Get Recharged

    Gain a better understanding of today's student and reconnect with your why. You will be encouraged and developed as a teacher, leader and communicator.

  • Get Reconnected

    Collaborate with Growing Leaders team members and colleagues from across the country and the globe, learning new strategies to serve young people.

  • Get Resourced

    Learn the power of images by using Habitudes: Images that Form Leadership Habits and Attitudes; a powerful tool to develop young influencers.

Schedule Overview

(all times Eastern Standard)

The NGFC Virtual-Live course uses a combination of live engagement via Zoom and video learning in Thinkific.  Sessions below are a broad overview.  The detailed schedule contains a great deal of variation and engagement.

Day 1:

10 am-12:15 pm - Session 1

12:15 pm-1 pm - Lunch   

1 pm- 5 pm - Session 2

Day 2:

10 am-12 pm - Session 3

12 pm-1 pm - Lunch   

1 pm- 4 pm - Session 4

All attendees are expected to participate in real-time, including videos, live discussions, and breakout sessions, as well as complete all pre-work in order to receive a certificate, including exclusive trained facilitator resources.

Course Curriculum

    1. Introduction and Learning Targets

    2. Welcome Letter

    3. Completing the E-Course

    4. Using Thinkific

    5. E-Book: In Other Words

    6. Pre-Work "Homework"

    1. Live Session 1: 10:00am EST

    2. Module 1.1: Who is Generation Z? (part 1)

    3. Can We Autocorrect Humanity?

    4. Module 1.1: Who is Generation Z? (part 2)

    5. Module 1.2 Their SCENE Today

    6. Cultural Connection

    7. Cultural Connection Reflection

    8. Module 1.3: The Shifts Gen Z Brings

    9. Quotes from Generation Z

    10. Module 1.4: Their Greatest Needs

    11. Module 1 Quiz

    12. Bonus Content: Insights on Generation Z

    13. Return to the Zoom: 11:45am EST

    1. Live Session 2: 1:00pm EST

    2. Module 2.1: In Other Words

    3. Module 2.2: The Power of Images

    4. Module 2.3: PROVE

    5. Our Dilemma Today

    6. Module 2.4: The Internal Journey pt. 1

    7. Module 2.4: The Internal Journey pt. 2

    8. Quiz: Module 2

    9. Return to the Zoom: 2:30pm EST

    1. Completing This Module

    2. Habitudes Sample Lesson Plan

    3. Habitudes Online Access

    4. Habitudes Lesson Plan Exercise

    5. Best Practices and Biggest Mistakes

    6. Bonus: 12 Practical Tips to Get the Conversation Flowing

    7. Return to the Zoom: 4:30pm EST

    1. Live Session 3: 10:00am EST

    2. We Are Growing Leaders

    3. Module 4.1: Why are we Growing Leaders?

    4. Module 4.2: Our Philosophy of Leadership Development

    5. Bonus Content: Essential Ingredients of Leadership Development

    6. Module 4: Quiz

    7. Is Everyone a Leader?

    8. Bonus Content: Top excuses for not leading

    9. Return to the Zoom: 11:35am EST

    1. Breakout Sessions - Launch and Sustain: 1:00pm

    2. Launch Breakout Zoom Link

About this course

  • $399.00
  • 58 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Course Facilitators

The Growing Leaders Content Team is ready to serve you.

Founder Dr Tim Elmore

Dr. Tim Elmore is the Founder and CEO of Growing Leaders, a non-profit organization created to develop emerging leaders. He and his team equip secondary school students, college students and recent graduates from thousands of campuses across the US and around the world to think and act like authentic leaders.

VP of Content Andrew McPeak

Andrew McPeak is an author, researcher, communicator, and expert on the emerging generations. After more than a decade of firsthand work with young adults from public school hallways to the boardrooms of corporate America, Andrew has honed an intimate understanding of the issues today’s young leaders face. Leveraging his experience and insights, Andrew, works to give adults practical tools and actionable advice for leading today’s youngest population.

Curriculum Director Patrick Erwin

Patrick Erwin is an educator and champion of student leadership. As a high school band director for 17 years at one of the largest band programs in the southeast, Patrick regularly taught his students far more than music -- he brought life-lessons to his classes through engaging presentations, fruitful conversations, and relational connection using Growing Leaders Habitudes curriculum.

Additional Facilitators

Director of Continuing Education Kara Mallory

Kara is a recognized millennial educator, mother, and intentional leader with a passion for improving student energy and engagement in the classroom. Kara serves as the Director of Continuing Education at Growing Leaders where she utilizes her expertise to develop new ways for parents and teachers to reach their students.

Research Coordinator Cam Turner

Cam Turner is a recent college graduate with immense love and passion for his generation, exploring how the brain works and helping us all build toward a better future. Combining his enthusiasm for his fields of study with his unique teaching style, Cam now travels the country sharing his optimistic worldview, relevant insights, and transparent storytelling with the next generation of leaders.

Are you ready to grow?

Growing Leaders is ready to partner with you in equipping the next young leaders in your school or organization. Together, we can empower the emerging generations with skills to lead in real life!